Entertaining | Contributed by Darien MagazineCT Staff with Hollow Tree Self-Storage
Before the owners of Darien’s Hollow Tree Self-Storage built their subterranean, state-of-the-art wine vault for the many local residents who now keep their wine collections there, they studied long and hard how to get it right, traveling the country to consult with a range of wine storage experts. Here is a quick look at what they found:
1. About Temperature / Store wine at a consistent temperature of 55 degrees and be sure the temperature does not fluctuate. If it does, the cork may expand and contract, allowing wine to leak out or air to come in—both can spoil the wine.
2. Humidity Matters / Wine needs a humidity level of between 60 and 80 percent. Too dry and your cork could dry out, allowing air into the bottle which will wreck the wine.
3. On Light / Store wine away from sunlight. The UV rays can damage it and cause the wine to age prematurely. Light from household lighting won’t hurt your wine. Still, it’s best to keep wine bottles in a dark place.
4. On the Side / Store corked wine bottles horizontally. This will keep the cork from drying out. It is not necessary to store bottles with screw tops on their side.
5. Keep it Still / Storing wine near vibrating appliances such as a washer and dryer or speakers can disturb sediment in the bottle, upset the aging process and destroy the wine. This is typically not an issue for short-term storage.
For more details and information about wine storage, stop by Hollow Tree Self-Storage at 131 Hollow Tree Ridge Road across from the Noroton Heights train station, or call 203-655-2018.