Fall 2024

Letter to Our Readers

Dear Readers and Residents of Darien,

As we settle into fall and being back at school with all its related activities and the new beginnings it represents, we couldn’t resist taking a look at why so many Darien High School grads choose to return to town to raise their kids. There are the obvious reasons but what else? To find out, we spoke with a cross section of people who’ve come back and, while by no means definitive, it sheds an interesting light on all that makes Darien the kind of place so many come back to.

And speaking of back to school, what better time to look at some of the great activities and programs that come with it – such as beginning strings, the subject of this month’s Art Show column, and the Our Town article about the Darien Junior Football League (DJFL). You won’t be surprised that near record numbers of kids have signed up for it after you read about the great things the DJFL board and its 60 plus volunteer coaches are delivering to these young people. 

We’re thrilled to direct your attention to a terrific column by Dr. Alycia Dadd. She’s the Director of Mental Health for Darien Public Schools and has some helpful thoughts on how to support the well-being of our children as we dive into a new school year. For this month’s Good Table column, we’re pleased to profile Molto – Darien. With their warmth, authenticity and delicious Italian food, it’s no wonder they’ve hit the ground running since opening last fall. 

It is the generosity of the many volunteers in our midst that power our town, shaping who we are, and the many dedicated members of the Blue Wave Booster Club, the “team behind all the DHS teams,” are chief among them. Read about them in this month’s Giving Back column.

As we finish brushing off our summer-soaked brain cells for a new school year, we’re happy to steer you to Linda Stephens’ column on foods for brain health in this issue as well. Another good one …and be sure to catch the Partner Profile on New Canaan Country School and their bold approach to education for students ages 3 to 14.  

As always, we thank our advertisers for making this publication possible. It is in supporting our  local businesses that we all move forward in the best ways possible. Happy fall all! 

Pamela Dey Vossler Editor-in-Chief

Carl Trautmann Founder & Publisher